
Joshua E Silver @JoSilver

Age 33, Male

Game Dev

Brooklyn College

Joined on 9/21/07

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JoSilver's News

Posted by JoSilver - March 28th, 2021

As always I'm making news posts HERE on Newgrounds, Every two weeks. Letting you all know what's going on! Be sure to tune in.

So lately I'm taking a little break from Project Honey, my brain is a bit fried from working on it and I need to shift gears for a bit, do something else and return with fresh eyes. Not a long break maybe about a week or so. I need to do something else. I got some ideas for smaller stuff to work on and hopefully I'll have something for you guys by then. One good thing about working on project honey is that it has forced me to solve a lot of little problems here and there that have either never occurred to me or I never had need to solve. I've learned alot and am looking forward to putting those lessons in to practice. A big one was the rig I used for animation. Animating for a game is very different from animating for anything else. Or really animating for something running in real time is a big challenge in a lot of subtle and invisible ways. A large one is mesh skinning.

I always want to come up with a good solution to some of these problem but I just never really had a real need it until I started project honey. Suddenly solving them became a priority. For example, there are lot of issue that crop up with limb twisting. This image illustrates it pretty well.


"Candy Wrapper" twisting problem

There are a number of solutions to this problem that work well in offline rendering but options are limited for realtime rendering. The simplest solution to problems like this is just not have your character move like that. However, when it comes to project honey, characters are going to be frequently in "Compromising" positions so it's important that chracters can handle a good deal of twisting.

The solution I came up with works well enough and even simplified my characters modifier stacks in blender. Along with other bits and bobs I've solved, I'm bring those solutions to Luka and the gang.

But just change gears for a bit, character designs for project honey has been quite taxing for me. I wanted to keep things simple, really simple. This is how I wanted basically all the characters to look.


Old Body Shape.

I was adamant about making all the characters looks like this, square head. boxy shape, no actual feet. This was to make the process of designing charcters as simple as possible while allowing for a decent amount of wiggle room. But things just kept nagging at me. Like I really wish there were feet, or I want the legs and knees to be more shapely. This whole process of little and incremental changes has really slowed the design process down but I say it's gonna been worth it in the end.


New Body Shape.

I really didn't want to make all these changes to the body at first, but I just kept being frustrated with the old design. But all the characters all just look so much better now... and sexier... or at least I think so. I will admit I have made designing characters significantly harder now so I feel like this is a good place to stop, she looks cartoony and cute while not being too simple. When I get back to Project Honey I feel like things are going to go well.

And with that, I'm off to do something else.

See ya'll again soon.


Posted by JoSilver - March 14th, 2021

As always I'm posting, here on Newgrounds, news and other whats-its about what I'm up to. Don't forget to check in every two weeks for more scandalous updates.

Sadly things have been pretty slow this week for a number of reasons. I seem to have came down with a case of something... probably not that! Most likely not that, but It's got me quite down lately I'm feeling better but it really put a damper on me for a week. I don't much go anywhere these days so it probably ain't that. That said, me and the family can't wait to get vaccinated.

But on to Project Honey. When I started the project always wanted to stay small. But I wanted it to be a game that one could play for like hours, I wanted it to be a full game. My overall design facilitated this, I would reuse alot to make a formidable but short game.

As I work on this game I keep saying I can do more, and I want to do more but I also don't want to be working on this game for more than a few months. The only way I can really do that is by making cuts. I want to keep this a simple and lean project for me. I want to keep in the scope of a one man project. I realized I was getting a bit in over my head while trying to come up with enemy designs. No so much coming up with designs. That's the easy part really the hard part comes in with the fact that I want each enemy to serve a unique purpose and to interact with each ohe in unique and novel ways. Now, what I could do instead is not do any of that at all.

You see what I currently want is another insect design. To make things simple, what I could do is just make a wasp girl, change her colors a bit, change up her behavior a tiny bit,

Bing Bang Boom, DONE....!


No, that's the last thing I want to do, I want her to be visually and functionally unique, and let me tell you gals... that's tough. Not impossible, not what I'm saying. What I'm saying is that it will take a lot of time and energy on my part to do it. None of this is to say I don't have any ideas for her, or other enemies, I got plenty. The issue is that again I want them all to not only be unique but also function in tandem with each other.

So it's like I might be like ok so I want to give this one a certain type of dress but this one is already wearing that type of dress. OK, well which one does it work best on? what if I change this? Which one do I change now that this one looks too much like that one over there?!

But again not complaining, merely illustrating for you all the trouble I currently face. As a result I realized that I would face this kind of back and forth with other aspects of the game down the road with level design, story and other bits and bobs with my current scope.

Not impossible for me, it's just it would all take far more time than I want to take for this project, and more than I think is fair to take on this project, for me, the developer and for you, the audience.

As a result of this line of thinking, I am going to scale back quite a bit. I can always make a bigger game in the future if this game is a success or even worth playing. Right now, for me the motto is Quality over Quantity.

My hope is with this shrunken scope the project will come together much more smoothly and quickly. When the game is done and out I'll have alot to talk about when it comes to my initial goals for this game, maybe in the next game, but not this game.

I didn't want to leave you guys empty handed this week so I wanted to share one of the new designs I came up with, she's still very much in the early stages of development but I like where she is going... let me know what you think.


With that's all I have for you this week,

see ya'll again soon.


Posted by JoSilver - February 28th, 2021

Hey, don't miss out, I do a news post on what I'm up to every two weeks HERE on Newgrounds. Be sure to check in to see all the latest from you're truly.

The past two weeks I've largely been in full production mode on Project Honey. My current task is creating characters. And there are gonna be a couple. At least a handful of them are going to buxom babes of all manner of things. Ranging from plants to animals and anything in between. So wanted to both share and get some feedback from you guys on the designs I have in store.

My main design goal was not simply to put the characters in as little clothes as possible, not only is that boring but also not very fun to work on. I've been getting inspiration for designs from all over the place. For each one I'm doing my best to give each on a unique theme and design, it hasn't been easy and none of these ladies are by any means "Done", Some of them I'm very happy with, others are definetly going to get another pass.

To start things off let me introduce you all to the protagonist of this little adventure....


Ursula Pedaldrop

Ursula is the proud owner of a small little potion shop just outside the royal city. Her various potions and tonics are known through out the kingdom for their potency and quality. There will be more about Ursula herself at some other date right now my focus is her design. For the most part Ursula is the only human character, strictly speaking, I'll be showing off here. The design of her robe was tricky. I wanted it to be revealing but believable that, I ended up with a design that was more of like a dress then a robe. I wanted to give her stockings at first but decided leaving her legs bare gave her an certain elegance yet rawness, contraction and duality things I wanted to come out with here. Dark day and a bright night.

Next up is one of the first designs I came up with for project honey and partly the reason it's code named that.


Buxom Bee

These gals love flowers and clump in a group, if provoked they will swarm, best to handle them first. There is still a bit of work to do with her. For example I still need to give her wings and unfortunately in this angle you guys can't see her stinger. I wanted a mix of cabaret and toughness. I wanted them to look like they're in a gang but they preform at the rec center on weekends. I'm fond of this design but feel I can do more to make those ideas come out.

Up next is a common lady you'll see project honey but one I hope you'll like.


Rococo Morte

These undead women of the upper crust tend to wander aimlessly, and mindless peruse the player, regardless of obstacles. Designing these gals gave me some trouble, at first I wanted them to more closely look like a typical peasant girl, However she just looked way to done up for both a zombie or a peasant... SO ran with that idea. I intend to add more flourishes to her design but for now this is where she is.

Next up is something a bit different.


Still coming up with a name for her.... ( Demon girl... Semen demon, IDK)

These girls for the most part will ambush the player, They will appear from nowhere and pelt the player with magic before poofing themselves away. Obvously I wanted her to be a sort of demon girl, a character that looks like shes bad to the bone. I love her design so far but I'm not sure about it. Her design my end up changing drastically in the final game... But we shall see.

Next is something I've been sitting on for years finally I'm using for something.


( AquaFilha)

Theese dames stay near the water and with their bubble attacks make it tough for the player to approach them. I based her design off an old sketch I did back in ... has it really been that long... 2013. I love the design but feel I need to work on the legs a bit more.

Next is the last of the some-what complete designs...



These wild gals attack the player with great prejudiced even if something else unfriendly shows up. They leap high in to the air and Bomp down on the player with their bottoms. Her design gave me a lot of trouble. I wanted them to look tribal, wild and needlessly salacious. I also tried to make sure they didn't resemble anything sort of actual native people. I have many hobbies, but sticking my dick in a wasps nest is not one of them. A first I wanted to give her something like a faux hawk or half shaved head, but I really didn't want to stick my dick in the bees nest so I decided to take a page from Donkey Kong and give her ridiculous golden locks, I think she looks quite cute, Might tweak her look a bit more.

Last but not least... But the one I've least worked on.



These flowers think their better than you.Usual they will be followed closley by an entourage of Buxom Bees. Due to their heightened sense of superiority, they will attack the player on sight, firing seeds at her. Sadly I haven't gotten a chance to flush her design out yet. What I want to go for with her is something like a carnival dancer, those ladies know how to party! I'd go in to more details but she's next up for an art pass and I can't really take about something I haven't done yet.

I have quite a few more Ideas for lovely ladies for project honey.I'm trying to come up with as many designs as possible some wont make in the game some will be repurposed. I have a pretty solid Idea for the mechanics behind each one but I'm not sure how well each idea will work as a couple have yet to be implemented and a couple are still very much in the design phase and I'm hoping atleast one design that I just do on a whim might inspire me.

That's all for this week, let me know what you think.

See ya'll again soon.


Posted by JoSilver - February 15th, 2021

It's been a slow past two weeks for a number of reasons. Life stuff getting in the way. But My next update to you guys should be more robust. I've been experimenting with art styles and design concepts for Project Honey. I'm pretty confident I've figure out the setting and main character of the game, but I'm still toying with concepts.

Next Time I'll have more for you guys.


Posted by JoSilver - January 31st, 2021

As always, I'm making letting you all in on what I'm doing here on Newgrounds, Every Two Weeks. So be sure to check in on just what the heck is going on.

So Project Honey is coming along very smoothly. I've given myself a month to prototype the game. So far I have the basic nuts and bolts of this game down. Making a game, any game take a lot of time and effort and a lot of that effort goes largely unnoticed by players. Really we only really notice the lack of effort on these parts, (Your character falling through the world, T-posing NPC, DEAR-GOD-WHAT-HAPPENED-TO-THEIR-FACE moments.) I wanted to make sure that I put in all that leg work early, doing the kinda boring, kinda of tedious work of making the game actually work.

Everything has to be made from scratch, this is the case with just about any game you make, for example Unreal does not have a default title screen for you to use, or pause menu, or loading bar, no it does not.

You gotta make that stuff. Along with things like pickups and ai, figureing out how you are going to load and unload levels, lighting, physics. That's not to say it doesn't have tools to make these things easier but unreal has a lot less canned anything then one would think and between you and me that's how I like it. Working in unreal feels a lot less like working with a game engine and more like working with an API. It's bare lumber used to build a home, not a set of pre-made rooms.

With all that said I feel I have really strong foundation for the game, I know how I'm going to do everything I would want to do in the game. But now comes, what is in my opinion, the real challage. What exactlly is the game about?

This is my current goal for the game figuring out exactly what everything is going to be. Story, Characters, setting that sort of thing. Or at least a rough Idea of all that noise. I already know how the game is going to play but I don't know how it's going to play out if you catch my drift.

Where I currently am at the moment is trying to figure out what kind of enemies there will actually be in the game, how do they behave and interact with the player any each other. A great example of what I mean are these two rough concepts for enemies. Bees and Flowers.


Bees and Flowers!

Bees and Flowers are a combo of enemies that I think is a fun idea. Flowers are a fairly tough and rare enemy, they fire projectiles at the player while trying to keep their distance, Flowers are actively hostile to the player and attack on sight. Bee and the other hand are a fairly weak enemy that hang out in packs of 2 or 3, when attacking they rush the player to sting them while making themselves hard to hit. Bees are not hostile to the player on sight, instead they only attack if provoked and one thing that provokes them is attacking a flower.

I have a couple Ideas for enemy interactions, like an enemy that actively hunts down another type or something like that. I want to make enemies more than just obstacles in project honey, because they aren't obstacles, they are the goal. They are the thing you are even playing the game for.

That being said I'm also trying to figure out abilities for the player to unlock over the course of the game. Something that's really easy for me to do now because I put in the effort to really nail down how the games handles the players and character actions. Every character runs two state machines, one that is for the overall state of the character, things like are they alive, are they dead, are they horny. The other state machine controls the actions they are currently performing, such as jumping, shooting, using an object. picking something up, havingthesex, that sorta stuff. It allows me to easily add new action by simply creating a new states and adding new connections and conditions for those connections between states rather than creating a huge unweildy web of elses and ifs. for example, I can add a "light a match" state that handles all the logic of lighting a match, I can make it so a character can't light a match underwater because in order to get into the "light a match" state in the first place they need have a match ,not be in water and be in the "not doing anything special" state, so the player can't defy logic by being able to light a match under water by shooting a bazooka at an off bit of geometry because you can't go to the "light a match" state from the "shooting a bazooka" state...

If any of that made sense to you, you deserve a high five. That's where I stand right now, next time I should have something more visual to share with you guys.

But that's if for now.

See y'all again soon


Posted by JoSilver - January 3rd, 2021

Happy New Years, EVERYONE!

As always I'm posting update on what you can expect and what I'm currently up to, every two weeks here on Newgrounds. Be sure to check in to find out what's what.

So I hope everyone had a nice little holidays, Lord knows we all need a little break from life every now and again, much more so in these times. Over the Holiday I decided on what the next big project from me will be, besides Tales of Luka (ToL), ToL is a long term project of mine I intend for it to be A thing I'll be doing for a few years now at this rate and with that said, I decided I need something Now, Something big but something totally Deliverable, And I'm giving myself a Month to prototype it and Hopefully release it as quickly as is possible soon after (Hopefully less than a few months).

So far development is going smoothly apart from a few Unreal 4 related hiccups (Of which there are numerous with Unreal) But nothing I can't power through. Unreal Engine 4 is easily my favorite Tool for making games these days. It's endlessly flexible in the right hands and certainly in mine. If you guys haven't played it this game here that I made for a game jam was basically me Bullying Unreal in to doing what I wanted it to do, whether or not it likes it or not.

It's still very early days and I'm in the figuring out how all of it is going to work prototyping phase. I'm not sure if my Idea will truly translate well in to a game that's even worth playing. Figuring out how any of that is going to work is the real struggle I face before me, Not how it's going to happen in the first place. Which is largely the main issue I currently face with ToL.

With all that said, I'm pretty confident in my next post I'll have more to show.

And with that, that's all the News I have to share this week.

See y'all again soon


It's Hip to FUCK bees!


Posted by JoSilver - December 20th, 2020

As always I make an update every two weeks on what I'm up to and how things are going here on Newgrounds. So tune in to learn all dem deetz!

So last week I released my Toy Chica model on Itch.io. I think I'm gonna keep using Itch for stuff like that in the future.

If you are interested check her out.


I'm hoping to have some more models out in the coming future but for now, hope you guys enjoy her.

Apart from that not much new has been going on, but lot's of progress is being made with Tales of Luka. Slowly but surely I'm squirming my way towards a proper production phase for it but there are a number of things I need to do before I can really get started. The models of the main character are completely done. I fixed up any remaining issues I have with them and they're ready to use. Now I just need to work out some minor but truly crucial details.

One thing that I've been quite cognizant of this whole time has been scale. How tall Luka is, how big are things in her world, stuff like that. So lately I've been putting in that work of figureing things out like how big should doors be, how tall are chairs and tables. Small details that can easilly bite me in the butt if I don't have answers for especially since I have a number of props I need to make just for the first episode alone. It would suck if I made all these chair models that none of the characters can even sit on.

Here's something I came up with. I always knew Luka, compared to a human, was going to be tiny but check this out.


Luka's species while not being "Human" is the closest thing to human in her world. for reference Luka is roughly 3 feet tall at 100cm or so with the man next to her being some where around 5' 6" or about 170 cm. So yeah, Luka's species is quite tiny. As a result I had to take the time to really ask questions like how big should everything be. They can't be human sized, it's would simply be too big. Good thing I really started asking those questions because I was convinced that steps that were 25 cm tall would be fine but as you can see steps that tall would go past her knees.

Imagine having to pick your leg all the way up just to climb one step. That's what I call a work out.

On top of that I decided to write some more episodes, My plan was just to make the first and work from there, Let things evolve naturally. but I want to start on a better foot and I don't have too much practice writing for these characters so It was a good exercise just to figure things out. Like how would Zanshi say this or how would Kole react to this. Important work that needs to be done to make the Tales of Luka the best it can be.

And with that that all the News I have to share this week.

See y'all again soon


Posted by JoSilver - December 20th, 2020

As always I make an update every two weeks on what I'm up to and how things are going here on Newgrounds. So tune in to learn all dem deetz!

So last week I released my Toy Chica model on Itch.io. I think I'm gonna keep using Itch for stuff like that in the future.

If you are interested check her out.


I'm hoping to have some more models out in the coming future but for now, hope you guys enjoy her.

Apart from that not much new has been going on, but lot's of progress is being made with Tales of Luka. Slowly but surely I'm squirming my way towards a proper production phase for it but there are a number of things I need to do before I can really get started. The models of the main character or completely done I fixed up any remaining issues I have with them and they're ready to use. Now I just need to work out some minor but truly crucial details.

One thing that I've been quite cognizant of this whole time has been scale. How tall Luka is, how big are things in her world, stuff like that. So lately I've been putting in that work of figureing things out like how big should doors be, how tall are chairs and tables. Small details that can easilly bite me in the butt if I don't have answers for especially since I have a number of props I need to make just for the first episode alone. It would suck if I made all these chair models that none of the characters can even sit on.

Here's something I came up with. I always knew Luka, compared to a human, was going to be tiny but check this out.


Luka's species while not being "Human" is the closest thing to human in her world. for reference Luka is roughly 3 feet tall at 100cm or so with the man next to her being some where around 5' 6" or about 170 cm. So yeah, Luka's species is quite tiny. As a result I had to take the time to really ask questions like how big should everything be. They can't be human sized, it's would simply be too big. Good thing I really started asking those questions because I was convinced that steps that were 25 cm tall would be fine but as you can see steps that tall would go past her knees.

Imagine having to pick your leg all the way up just to climb one step. That's what I call a work out.

On top of that I decided to write some more episodes, My plan was just to make the first and work from there, Let things evolve naturally. but I want to start on a better foot and I don't have too much practice writing for these characters so It was a good exercise just to figure things out. Like how would Zanshi say this or how would Kole react to this. Important work that needs to be done to make the Tales of Luka the best it can be.

And with that that all the News I have to share this week.

See y'all again soon


Posted by JoSilver - December 6th, 2020

UPDATE 12/12/2020

Toy Chica Model out and available for download.


So, not much news for you dudes this week. But as always just a reminder that I'm posting update on what I'm up to Every Two Weeks, here on Newgrounds. So, check in every two weeks for all the juicy details.

So to start nothing really new to tell you guys about other than that I took a bit of a "vacation" from work for the holidays. I needed to refresh a bit. It's been stressful all this... YEAR. Taking some me time helps me get my groove back.

The Toy Chica Model will be released sometime this week, I needed to work out details of how I'd release it and I got that mess sorted.

I've also been playing Haydee 2 and I got a number of plans for this game. I've also been playing a lot of X-COM... too much X-COM (so many dead rookies...)

Me and the familly had a very casual Thanksgiving, no guests means not much reason to cook ALL the food. I hope all you had a nice hoilday and more still to come this years.

With that Happy Holidays. See y'all again soon



Posted by JoSilver - November 22nd, 2020

Just a quick reminder to you dudes, I'm posting Updates on what I'm doing and where you can get ya hands on it Every Two Weeks, so tune in to learn about what exactly the flip it is that I am doing. YAY!

As I've mentioned often now I'm cleaning up old models for a public release, and one that I took a look at was My Sunny Miami Model.


Aint' she purdy!?

I took a look at her and noticed not much work was needed to bring it up to a standard that I would be happy with. Then inspiration hit... and I was Just had to Do something with her... Ladies and Germs, I present you with something.

WARNING! (NSFW, Contains nuts!)

4K Versions Available on Pateron!

I had a lot of funny working on these, The sexy animation there took me quite a lot of tweaking to get just right. Sunny Miami was always a bit of favorite character of mine, I love her design, and doing something with her is always a fun endeavor. I hope to do more with her when inspiration strikes yet again, but I already have an idea or two I'd like to take a whack at sometime down the line.

Hope you guys enjoy.



You're one stop shop for all your FNAF LEWD NEWS!

Needless to say The Chica Model has not been released yet, and I'm gonna be honest with you guys. It's not because I ran in to problems or anything like that... Sunny Miami called to me like a siren in the foggy mists and boy did I crash hard on them rocks. I have a nasty habit of not working on things because something else beckons to me, even if not much work is needed to push it out the door. But I try to go the way that I have the greatest drive to go.

I get more done that way, otherwise I waste a lot of time doing nothing, and I feel it's more important to do something, Anything.

With all that said not much work is needed to get her out the door and in to youz guyzes loving arms. So with any luck she should be available with in a few days. One reason Its taking so long is because I wanted to put her out along with all the FNAF Gals as a pack and I was well at work on that, Until I heard some news...


HAYDEE 2 COMES OUT THIS MONTH... so obviously I need port them to Haydee 2. So here's the plan Mentlegen, A release of my Toy Chica Model will be made available to you guys soon. The Model will not be game ready in anyway. However in order to bring them over to Haydee 2 (along with a few extra goodies) I will have to put in that extra work, Once all that is done, The models will be released in a game ready form, Sound good?

...Will I think so.

So, to Summarize...

  • More Sunny Miami coming eventually.
  • Non Game ready Toy Chica Model coming real soon.
  • Haydee 2 ports of the Models come some time after.
  • Release of those will then follow.
  • World Peace achieved!

Let me know what you gals think. Comments, Suggestions, Tips and Tricks I'm always happy to hear them.

Anyways, that's it for now.

And with that, See y'all again soon.
