*the pic is on the last post*
*Update #2*
I haven't got The full version of Flash but I'm one step closer then before.
I also need to get a new graphics suite but I think I might Have one by early next year, hopefully.
Anywho I've decided to make the game so that there is more then on girl... or atleast try. Im also going to devople a cool menu that can be use by both mouse and key borad that should allow more options in less space and also It should hide when inative or told to to have an even more open veiw of the game window. Also the game will function in a way so that eventually the man or the woman will get bored of the same postion and you'll have to guess what they want to do for maximum pleasure. ( just like ribbed condoms!!!! but that's all I gotta say about it now that all the details I'll give out about that now.
I would also like to say that I have come up with a story that I think will make a cool flash series And a Classic "AMERICAN" Anime!!!! The JAPS WONT KNOW WHAT HIT EM'!!!!!! no longer will the japanese animator be king of cartoons!!! The Americans where the one's who started cartoons and animes were based off of american cartoons. It's time I put America back in it's place on top,
well anywho here's a pic I drew of the main chracter and the monster thing that attack in the story!!!
I think I'll talk about the story in future posts but for now this is what I got and this isn't neccsarily how the characters are going to look in the movie but something like that!!! I'm thinkin' lose the shades...
Well leave your comments and suggetions here and see ya again and thx for reading this if you did
- Jo Silver
- Eventual Ruler of NewGrounds!