
Joshua E Silver @JoSilver

Age 33, Male

Game Dev

Brooklyn College

Joined on 9/21/07

Exp Points:
3,712 / 4,010
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Vote Power:
6.07 votes
Art Scouts
Portal Security
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JoSilver's News

Posted by JoSilver - July 20th, 2009

Play It NOW!

Well It's been a while but it's finally done. I started this game like a week before Pico Day and I though I was going to be able to finish this by then but that's not how things turned out is it now. I wish I was able to finish it by then But I told myself I was going to submit it this year no matter what.

So I'm clearly not eligible for any prizes but I didn't really care about that anyways.

So please enjoy the game.

Also in other news...

I GOT A HAIR CUT, YAY!!! so my profile picture is horribly out of date I'll try to get a new one so you guy can bask in my super SEXYNESS!

Also I saw the new Harry Potter movie yesterday. It was pretty cool, even if you don't like Harry Potter is worth watching. Also In enjoy this!

/* */
So That's all I have to say for now! FARWELL

New Game in Portal! Pico: Hero Havoc!

Posted by JoSilver - July 2nd, 2009


I mean the whole thing is pretty humorous but why is that when ever someone submits a picture that if in anyway can be given the lable of "Furry",Some DOUCHE comes along and votes 0 Simply for that reason!

I mean, If you don't like furries... Thats ok! BUT WHAT IF IT'S NOT A BAD PICTURE!!!!

Come on people! Personally I believe the people who do this are simply trying to wreck havoc... or are total ASS NUDGETTES!!!

If don't furries... Go and take out your hate on a dog or something.... Or your Drunken Fathers car but please don't lower the score of a decent picture that you know is ok due to personal TASTE!!!

Thank YOU! And sorry If I came off as whinny...


Posted by JoSilver - June 16th, 2009

Well, I made a song...

Tell me what you think...

I made it one afternoon... I had decide to open up my demo of FL Studios and fuss around with it. I acctually made it a long time ago, I deciede to post it now because it's been a while since I uploaded anything to Newgrounds, my lack of productivity is begining to annoy me.

Anywho, I have a flash I'm making that almost done (like 90%) however it's been almost done for quite a while now but now that I don't have to worry about pesky classes for a while It should be done soon...

In case you live in another country and don't know, by law all TV must be digital... AND I DON'T HAVE CABLE! I don't have a converter box.... DANMIT!!!!

Well that's all I got to say for now... enjoy this.... Bye now!

New song and Crap...

Posted by JoSilver - April 9th, 2009

Well, to keep it short, Im making post to simply cover up my old post cause it's not april fools anymore.

My Pico day game has not been cancled BUT I won't release it this year... Why you ask?
I wouldn't have been able to finish in time but that does not mean I've stop working on it! I just have more time now to make sure it's perfect!

Also I finally know exactly what I'm going to do with "The Love Fairy" So I'll begin work on it soon.

Also enjoy some mind roting fun!!!

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Shame they don't make cartoons like that anymore... So I'm done typing for now... so GO AWAY!!! And you have yourself a Wonderfull DAY!!!!

And now a random image from the interwebz!!!

New post to cover up old!!!

Posted by JoSilver - March 3rd, 2009

Well after little thought and preperation I've decided to make a Pico Day Game!
I'm not sure what it's going to be about but one of the playable charaters will be Nene and I'm not sure if I should do more then that but I'll try but for now I'll build the game with only Nene avaible for play and if I have enough time before pico day I'll add more.

Here is what I have so far!


Spacebar: Jump (Press Again in mid-air for double Jump. In this demo you have 999 mutilple jumps)
A - S: Move
S: Duck
W: Run
J: Melee Attack
K:Ranged Attack

I started this about a week ago and completed a rough draft of the game engine in 2 days. Everything work all that great but It's at a point where I can ignore them and still get a good game. Also the camera in this is not the real in game camera... I still fix the bugs in that. Also for this little test the camera is zoomed out a bit. The game will have a fully functional camera and Zoom in and out based on occusion.
I have put everything aside to make this game so there won't be anything new untill it's done and I promise you won't be disappointed!

Also I remeber watching the game play preview for the game that J1mp is making and noticed that the death animations involved no physics what so ever.... I'm trying to make sure there is nothing like that (Not to call you out J1mp, I'm looking forward to your game).

So Enjoy!!!!

Also, enjoy this new screenshot.


Posted by JoSilver - February 6th, 2009

I have alot of news to tell you.

1. I GOT A TABLET!!!! YAY!!!!

I'm still getting used to it and it's going pretty well! I still however will never fully abandon my mouse when it comes to drawing because the tablet is good for somethings and the mouse is good for others.

2. I'm making a few things, I finished a stupid cartoon for Valentine's Day!

other then, it's nothing dirty, so if you feel like sending a recording please PM and I'll credit you.

also I making to games, and one I think you people are going to like... some not so much and the other will be "Shotgun Warrior".... however im thinking of changing the name....

3. Learn to play with your TWANGER!!!

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If you learned something good for you!!!


- The Future Ruler of Newgrounds
- Jo Silver

Also here is something I drew praticing with my tablet, I'm not saying it's great (I am be no means a painter) but it's a start. I'm not very good at blind contour and anyone who's used a tablet knows that they are pretty much the same thing so I got to keep on trying

Lot's of fun NEWS!!!

Posted by JoSilver - January 11th, 2009




Posted by JoSilver - November 6th, 2008

OH well....

Well anyways... My new game is coming along nicly althought I've been lagging on any work. I've been busy playing unreal tornument....

Also I kinda iffiy on how the continuation of "Host" will go. It gonna be an intresting project but I guess we'll see how it goes then huh? also I don't see finishing the first one soon.... and the next will be released god knows when but I plan to get to it.

I don't know when I'll finish the game, I have to focus on other things like school and stuff but I Will finish. Also if anyone is intrested in being a voice actor for "Host" PM me.

I need atleast 2 guys and girls how can do maybe 2 or 3 unique voices.
(an old guy, middle-aged woman, red-neck, voices like that)

SO that's all I got to say for now...

And please enjoy this!!!
Mr. Happy Handshake!!!!!

/* */
- The Future Ruler of Newgrounds
- Jo Silver!

Posted by JoSilver - October 1st, 2008

Well, my new game is coming along nicely. not much really to talk about but the game engine is coming along nicely, still a couple of bugs but nothing I can't smooth with time. what I'm doing now is sorta building the game first then I will worry about cosmetics. With that said I recently occured to me that the game may not function as well as if would with out the final touches so I'm gonna have to think about stuff like that before I go ahead and animate and draw everything.

Well for now this is how my current projects are going.

Shotgun Warrior (name in question)
- working on it.

The Love Fairy
- In revision and on hold (I'm starting over COMPLETELY)

Testbutton 3
-not main focus but I work on it every now and then.

Random and pointless Cartoons
-I pump 'em out at random =3

That pretty much all I have to say today, sorry for my lack of things to share with you but there
there wasn't that much anyways.

-The Future Ruler of Newgrounds
-Jo Silver

Game UPDATE!!!

Posted by JoSilver - August 28th, 2008

As of recently my computer has been premantly crippled. The cause of this was adware.agent.BN.... the bastard! We were able to remove it and return functionality to it but.... it's just not the same. I am currently unable to preform simple tasks as easily as before. Becuase of all this, my work has been haulted. Right now as I'm typing this am noticing my keyboard being less responsive then normal. I am unable to use flash and all my other little tools of destruction properly which has lead to a mild wave of deperession..... =(

As bad as this all sounds there is a silver lining to all this. As a direct result of this crisis my sister has kindly purchased a new, BETTER COMPUTER!!!!! Needless to say.... I'm happy now. =)
It's suppose to come in before sept. 2 so I should get back to anytime soon.

Also I would like to make afew annocements to my adoring Fans!!!!

First of I've stoped working on the Love fairy game for now. Why? well, the moe I got into it the more I realized that I need to think this out more. As I mention in my last post, I'm going in a new direction the game so, for now production is on hold.

I'm working on a new game!!!! SHOTGUN WARRIOR!!!!!! or somthing like that!
It's not hentai so you can take your mind out the gutter. basicly it's a side-scrolling shooter game that you basicly run around with a shotgun and shot the bad guys... Sounds like fun, right!?
Will anyways My main focus is this game for now and I hope you'll al enjoy the finished product.

Also I put this up for people to test out the physics engine. This is not how the finished game will look or even play but just to show you how the basic game may run it course.

Click here for the thing!
simply use the arrow keys to move around.

Well thats pretty much all I have to say for now and I hope that when my new game is done you'll vote 5!!!!

-The Future Ruler of Newgrounds
-Jo Silver, Saying adios!

Well My Computer is Pretty Much Dead!