Needs work.
Well fist of all he looks like he's floating above image despite there being a shadow. The background doesn't make any sense, there no distortion on it to indicate depth. Now the body is OK except for the face and hand with the orb.
The hand looks weird, the fingers are to low and too short compared to the index finger and thumb.
For the head he doesn't have any indention indicating the cheek bones which looks very weird since you gave his chin so much detailed and were is the other eye? Also the jaw line doesn't make sense with the angle of his head and the overall shape of it. and I think the ear is too small.
Other then that the shading and colors on him are very nice but sadly the same can not be said about the background as you left it flat and textureless.
You got a lot to work on but there is potential there, just keep practicing and you'll get better in no time.
Sorry, Hentai-Foundry's approval process put me in anatomy whore mode.