
Joshua E Silver @JoSilver

Age 33, Male

Game Dev

Brooklyn College

Joined on 9/21/07

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3,712 / 4,010
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JoSilver's News

Posted by JoSilver - February 6th, 2022

Sorry no news this week.

Works been busy lately. So progress is slow. Sorry guys.


Posted by JoSilver - January 23rd, 2022

Be sure to check back here every two weeks for all the latest update on What I'm up to, Right Here on Newgrounds.

I'm slowly but surely getting back into the saddle. Most of the work I've done recently has been simply concepts and game design related. My original design for how project honey would work, it just wasn't working they way I hoped it would or at least it would have been too much work for one person balancing and getting things just right. (One person doing everything else as well.) So I sat down and tried to rethink the game. But every Idea got too far away from my initial vision. It was a bit of depressing time for me.

But then it hit me, simplify certain aspects of the game. One great example was Health was always a big issue I needed to solve with project honey, for that matter health and fail states. The first Idea was when enemy health goes to zero, you pop in and do your thing. But that felt very unsavory to me. So I came up with a system of stamina and health.

When a character is hit they lose both health and stamina, when the lose all their health they get knocked out, if they have zero stamina before they get knocked out they stay down for good and you can't "Interact" with them. (Interact means sex BTW) This system allowed for enemies to turn the tables on you. The problem was there was this whole balancing act I'd have to do make stamina work right, the amount of time any enemy stayed down was determined by stamina But depending on a characters health and stamina values, this could feel very inconsistent and random.

It wasn't working out well or at least it was a lot of tweaking and fine tuning. As a system it wasn't working as I had hoped. So I decided, Screw it enemy just have a set number of times they can get back up from. This eliminates the need for me to balance both health and stamina values and if I want there to be some randomness to it It's much easier to add it in.

This is just one example of my Reworking of the game mechanics. The whole goal right now its to keep the complexity for the player but reduce the complexity for me to design and balance. At the end of the day it will be a compromise but so far things are looking good.

Sadly, that is all I have for you today. Will have more next time.

See ya soon!


Posted by JoSilver - January 9th, 2022

As always, I'll be making a news post every two weeks here on Newgrounds. So be sure to check in to see all the grotesque nudity!

In case you missed it Check it out!

I had a lot of fun working on this set, I wanted to make some adjustments to the Minecraft Models I have. I case you don't know this is where Luka and her friends got their start.

Luka went down a different path of evolution but I really wanted to maintain the block look. In doing so I made a few improvements to things like the genitals. Getting them to look fitting has been a real challenge. Female Genitals it very complicated if you're going for realism but even if you're not going for a more stylized look it still needs the basic elements. The more I add the more complex things got but I think I got things at a good place. Before I faked alot of things and it worked well enough, but one major element was inclusion of a birth canal, It opens up and can widen when something is in there. I really helps sell the illusion they her pussy is griping the penis. Lovely stuff if could be self congratulatory for just a moment. I plan on bringing those improvements to Luka and Projects Honeys Models.

On the note of Project Honey production of the game is slow going at the moment. Returning to a project you've let sit for a week is often troublesome let alone a few months.There are a number of Ideas I have for the game the I'm reconsidering and reworking. One of the biggest design challenges of project honey has simply been giving the player a real reason to interact with the game world to actually not only want to fight baddies but need to as well.

The current Idea I have while I feel it could work really well it's also very ambitious. It will take a lot of planning and playtesting... not that any game doesn't but It also would work best for a much larger more sprawling game. I want project honey to just be finished already. It's taking a long time and I want to work on other projects. So I'm definitely cutting back the scope of the game a bit.

With all that said have a pretty good Idea of where I need to take the game in order to make it both fun and simpler to make. Recently I have become the proud owner of More free time, So I plan of using that time to get project honey across the finish line. There will be drastic changes from what I initially planned but no game turns out excactly how you first envisioned and thats ok.

With that that's all I have for you guys this evening.

See ya soon!


Posted by JoSilver - December 27th, 2021

As always I'll be making a News Post every Two weeks here on Newgrounds. So be sure to check in for all the latest on you're truly.


Not much news about anything this week but I do want to talk about my plans for the new year.

Project Honey

Lately Project Honey has been on the backburner for a while now. I'm not yet fully ready to take it off the backburner for good just yet for a number of reasons. The biggest one being I'm not yet ready to dive head first in to production of a game, Still need time to recover from the semester.But I've been looking into a number of things. One of the main things I been working on is rethinking and reworking Rigging skinning and anotomy of the characters.

One design goal of Project Honey was really making use of assets I already mostly had lying around. I told myself I would vastly rework anything, it would make production of the game faster... and It would have if I did that. So lately I've been rethinking a few things about various bits of the characters, sadly I don't have anything to show right now, nothing complete, but when the ball get rolling again your gonna see an number of improvements.

I hope that Project Honey will release next year. I don't see why I won't be able to but life gets in the way of a lot of things. Fortunately it's getting a bit out of the way for me now.


One thing I've been considering is remastering some of my older work Not full on remakes but moving them to a format that is currently supported. As much as I would love to work on flash project from now till the end of time flash isn't really viable anymore as a target platform... at least not currently. (The Ruffle team is truly doing gods work)

I've been looking in to a way that I could possibly port my older games (Those that I still have the source files for) to a different framework or game engine. OpenFL is the obvious choice but I haven't really looked to deep into using it.

Some of my older work would need to be completely remade and I'm even considering remaking some stuff, no concrete plans yet just something of been thinking about.

New Game?

I am hoping to make something much smaller than project honey, just to tide you guys over soon, Nothing big and fancy... But I always say that... Either way I want this to be something small and to be just a morsel of whats to come in Project Honey. Largely my character work that I was discussing early is going in to this project, Honestly this one, If I could work on it none stop like I work back in the Plague days. I could probally finish it in a two - three weeks tops. I want to work on it as sort of a side project, use things I learn from that game and take that knowledge back to project honey.

Sadly that's all I have for you this week, Honeslty I not really sure if this post is late or not, the past couple of weeks has been exhausting and I'm so happy to get a few days off for the holidays.

See ya soon!


Posted by JoSilver - December 6th, 2021

Sorry for the late post, been very busy last week, gonna be very busy this week. But I'm almost at the end of the tunnel.

All I will say is, I've managed to find time to actually work on Project Honey lately.


Posted by JoSilver - November 21st, 2021

As always, I'll be making a news post, here on Newgrounds, about what I'm doing, who I've been talking to and other overly personal details. So be sure to tune in for all the juicy details.

Sorry if anyone got worried that I didn't post last week, Things sorta got messed up with the Halloween post as far as schedule goes. I'm back on my orginal schedual of posting. I should have said something but I basically only noticed the problem like a day or so ago... Sorry my dudes!

As I've stated before, currently work on Project Honey is in a bit of a stand still, But on that note I do have some good news, the good news is by Mid December I will have plenty more time to work on the game. This time away from the project has really given me a moment to really think about where things are headed. It's allowed me to rethink some things. Now, fear not, I'm not planning to restart from scratch but I am reconsidering a lot of things.

But sadly I do not have any concrete Project Honey news.

So, what the hell am I doing?! In my spare time lately I've just been messing around with Luka and her buddies. Just this halloween I released this.

This was a project I really wanted to do, I ended up shooting myself in the foot to get it done, but in my opinion it was worth it. As I stated before I really feel as if I have solidified the look of Luka and her world. Early iterations of Luka weren't... great.

But I feel her new redesign is damn near perfect. Still some things to fix up, but simply, it's much better.

So I took it upon myself lately to update Luka and Zanshi's outfit's.


It's nothing too crazy but it address a number of issues I had with their old designs.

Here are their previous designs.


Apart from the obvious adjustments to proportions, their new designs are largely the same, but I did want to move away from the pixelated look, It just doesn't go well with the look of the world anymore, if it ever did. Luka just needed some tweaks mostly to her bottom piece. Zanshi had the most work done on her clothes. Originally Zanshi's clothes were designed simply to look different from Luka, not much though was given in to exactly what she was wearing. Heck, my earliest iteration of her she was simply a palette swap of Luka. It's a design that only really made "Sense" back in these days.

(Heck, Jeza looks real different now.)

I wanted to keep the splash of color I gave her, while bringing out more of who Zanshi is in her clothes. I think it looks way better, However I did say "fuck it" to a couple problems with their designs. What exactly is Luka's breast plate made out of... IDK. How exactly does Zanshi hide her bulge... Look kid I just work here.

When I get around to it I'm gonna take whackes at the rest of the crew, I got big plans for Luka going forward and "The Dying Thoughs of Jeza" was sort of a proof of concept on how I can proceed forward with "Tales of Luka". Expect to see more.

That's gonna be it for now, Have no fear, there will be more to talk about next time,

See ya soon!


Posted by JoSilver - October 31st, 2021


Don't come to my house...




As always, I'll be making news posts, every two weeks, here on Newgrounds, about what I'm doing, who I'm with and what exactly is that awful smell coming from the basement. Be sure to check in for all the gory details, don't be a stranger now!

Sadly no Project Honey news this week, Next week is gonna be a REAL busy week for me at work so sadly we won't be hearing about it for at least two more weeks. Sorry guys, it really pains me to say that but it's true. As soon as I get the time to really work on the game in earnest, You'll all be the first to know.

The Dying Thoughts of Jeza

The dying thoughts of Jeza is my latest installment in to the on going saga of Luka... Really more like the opening piece, as I've really not done anything truly story related with Luka and all her supple and pliant friends. Really it's more of a testing ground for the tone and atmosphere of the Series as a whole. In general it won't have nearly as much sex, blood and gore... wait, no, I mean it will have exactly that much sex, blood and gore. The tone is really where I laid it on thick, for the most part I don't want Tales of Luka to have such heavy moments but there will be plenty.

It's more or less suppose to be a whimsical fantasy romp, filled with existential dread and the realities of living in a medieval fantasy land. All the good stuff! I wonder If I should continue the series in a similar style, writing with images.

If you guys enjoy the format, well we might just be in business.

Getting it submitted was a process. I wrote the story knowing Newgrounds had a character limit on Art Comentary (12,228 to be exact) so I fit with in that limit... But then I started embedding images. as It happens image embeds count as 40 or so character, in total putting me over by about 600 or so. I had to trim things down some, I ended up cutting a few lines here are there. I really feel like it needs a rewrite to accommodate the changes. On top of just a few things that I feel don't work as well as I though at first.


Now that's what I call efficient.

I'm kinda of new to writting, or really writting something and submitting it to be critiqued and read. Let me know what you guys think. Even if you hate it let me know why..

Luka's Makeover

Luka has changed a lot since I first even came up with her. She started as a no name attempt at Minecraft lewds ( YOU WIN @SlipperyT ) to what she is today. I won't deny the Minecraft roots of Luka and her world I feel I've really refined the look of everything.

certainly when compared to my original attempts. Honestly not too proud of these. It's like what the he-e-ll was I thinking, guys!

The process of going from her original look to her current one was a long and painful journey. The issue I kept hitting was simple, If I wanted to blood, the guts, the sex, the voilence, It' needed to be somewhat grounded in reality to have an sort of punch! For example a charred and bloody skeleton would have far less of an impact if it looks like a card board box. So I decided I need to make her more grounded, more proportionate to an average human being, even though strictly speaking she's not suppose to be human.


Left: Old Design, Center: New Design, Right: Realistic Human for reference height.

I re-sculpted the body a wee bit, adjusted the limbs and head a wee bit and also, a Mouth! Presto, she's cooked.Just wish I didn't bash my head in a wall so many times to get here.

Check it out!

Really, I couldn't have done The dying thoughts of Jeza with out making all the changes to characters and the world first. That is entierly because I feel it's finally ready. Luka and her pals are finally a place where I can say, I can do exactly what I want to do without worrying if it will look too goofy or out of place.

But that's will be all for this Halloween, I hope you all enjoy what I've got for you.

See ya'll again soon!



Posted by JoSilver - October 24th, 2021

Yes that is on Halloween... Yes, that is relevant. Don't Expect too much but it something... Spooky.


Posted by JoSilver - September 26th, 2021

Be sure to tune in every two weeks to the latest scope in all thing related to me, My projects, my sex life, how many DUI's I received this month, Only here, on Newgrounds.

So I can't say things are back to normal, but things are back on track. I finally have some more time to dedicate to Project Honey. This time off from it really gave me some time to think about the project and where it's headed in a more of a production side rather than design. I noticed a problem that was cropping up, The game world is getting too big... Or really it's getting to big to manage as one whole.

At the beginning of the project the game was going to be more of a level based game. This was chosen at first to make the world easier to create but it just wasn't working from a design aspect. So I decided to instead make the game a bigger open world type deal, there were smaller level like areas but it was, in the game logic, one big level and this was working fine but problems started to crop up. Adding something to one section meant making sure it didn't over extent into other parts of the world. It made building lighting way slower. I had to start implementing level streaming, and charactes had to be unloaded when a level was unloaded. None of it was insurmountable but it's alot of work for honesly not too much payoff.

So I'm going back to a more level based design in that parts of the world will be separate levels. It will ease development by making it so that I don't need to worry about sections bleeding in to others or setting up overly complex streaming volumes. While it would be cool for the world to be completely seamless, Project Honey will play just the same with out a big seamless world.

A bit of a small post this week, but I didn't want to leave you guys hanging, thinking the game is canceled or something. It's not far from it.I don't know when the game will finally be finished at the current pace of production, But the game is shaping up. It's all a matter of time.

And with that, Hope you all have a Jolly Madness Day.

See y'all again soon.


Posted by JoSilver - September 12th, 2021

Sorry no new updates this week. I've been very busy these past weeks. However my schedule should clear up a bit in the following week, so expect new updates next time.

See you guys soon.