
Joshua E Silver @JoSilver

Age 32, Male

Game Dev

Brooklyn College

Joined on 9/21/07

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3,710 / 4,010
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6.07 votes
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JoSilver's News

Posted by JoSilver - December 31st, 2018

Happy New Years, Yall! I hope you all get out there and party this suck ass year in to it's grave! 2018 truly sucked, politics and we lost some great people with year. A whole bunch of bullcrap happened to me this year, but that's behind us now and it's Time to Party and Celebrate.

This year I've uploaded more art than anyother and I though the best way to celebrate was to countdown my highest scoring art of the year!

#10 Luka n' Zanshi - Hot Sand : A little animated peice, I hope to do more in 2019.

#9  BeeBee Promo B12-BEEBEE : A little experiment of giving Balloon Boy my FNAF treatment.

#8  Garnet Quickie #0 : Just a quick sketch of Garent and Jasper.

#7  Introducing Sex Doll Barbie - Nude Ver. : More experimenting, But this time with Baribe!

#6  Quality Assurance G16-CHICA : A part of AFTON TESTING WORKSTATION, Remastered.

#5  ファッション・フォーワド-FF : More fun with Barbie!

#4  Haydee: Peace Mode : Haydee playing nice with a bot.

#3  ROM FLASH G16-CHICA : A spooky peice with endoskeletons.

#2  Interface Testing #2 G16-CHICA : Two Chicas doing things.

#1  Summer Time Lovin', Lovin' in the Summer (Time) : Easily my favorite of the year and I'm glad all you felt the same. I had alot of fun with this one.

Tell me what your favorite of the year was or heck what you'd like to see more of in 2019 from me. At midnight I'm gonna kick of 2019 with a new peice for a new year... That is if I not too drunk to rememeber but I'll try.

Also I'll be revamping my pateron in 2019, new rewards to better reflect what I do around here.

Happy Hoildays and here's hoping 2019 WON'T SUCK QUITE SO HARD!


Posted by JoSilver - September 19th, 2018

So, I had a project that I've been working on for a while now, it was something small, probally no one was gonna like it. You've probally nocticed the amout of galleries I've done lately, They were galleries because 3D animation was always tricky for me. Not because 3D animation was necessarily hard, It's not harder than posing really. At the time getting animations from blender to Unreal was difficult. I also didn't know how to properly skin a mesh to work well in unreal then either, Static Poses worked best for me at the time. Even now the issue with unreal at the moment is frame timing, for long animation it works fine but for animation that only last 15- 12 frames sycning animations to loop correctly is difficult.

So I've shifted my focus to Blender Cycles, I think it's fair for me to say that I've managed to produce some pretty stunning work with it, Problem is, It's SLOW! In case y'all aren't aware this picture took 4 hours to render.  And that's not even the longest I've taken to render something. Long render time effectlvely make animations for me impossible, or atleast at a decent resolution with minimal noise.

I've mainly been waiting for a stable release of blender 2.8 to start experimenting with EEVEE. The project I'm working on was basically my best effort to give cylces for animation a chance. A fully lit scene, in doors, which is simply a nightmare when it comes to render times. I was only able to get about 6 15 frame animations done in a resonable time each one requiring several hours of rendering all at only 640 X 360 resolution and noisy as all hell. That's the best I can get.


BUT I started experiement with just using Bender 2.79 Open GL rendering, first with the game engine, which went badly, Then just trying to get the viewport rendering to not look like hot garbage. Frankly I think I've done it It looks now where near like the result I can get with Cylces (But that goes with out saying really) But It looks pretty good.

But my 6 15 frames 640 X 360 noisy animations has jumped from at least 48 animations at whatever length I think is best at 1920X1080 with no noise. I think it's pretty clear which path I should presue. Hopefully 2.8 will come out soon next year or atleast a stable build of 2.8 so I can actually do some 3D animation. However in the mean time I'm pretty happy how it's going so far so atleast for now, they can take their time.

I've only just started trying this way of doing things, and already I've accomplished way more in 2 days then I did by just using cycles over about 2 months. an animation that took 3 hours to render at 640X360 now only takes me 10 minutes or so at really any resoultion I want and most of that time is wasted on me setting things up and making sure everything is in place. So yeah, I'm excited!

Something BIG is coming.



Posted by JoSilver - September 4th, 2018

So It's been a while since I posted anything. Unfortunately I'm the kind of person who just shuts down when things are... Not great. So this june a number of things happened.

The first of which was my job closed one day... and they haven't opened since. They promised me they would re-open in two weeks... But that was this June! So Money was a problem for me lately but fortunatley I've recently found a new job and am working again, So THAT'S GREAT!

Second my mother was diagnosed with cancer, which consumed a great portion of my though and time for a good month. But not to worry, they caught it just in time and my mother has already had surgery to have it removed. Everything is looking good and we're hopeful for the future.

But with that said I've haven't been doing nothing but sitting on my ass this whole, I've been working on a number of things lately, I got a lot of Ideas and one of them anyways will be ready soon, like I'm putting finishing touches on it soon. It's a lot of fun and when you get a chance to play it I hopefully it will have been worth my silence for a few months. There are also a couple projects that I've either just started work on finally have a solid concept for. Hopefully I'll have more news on all that soon.

Anyways that's basically what I've been up to lately.


Posted by JoSilver - June 4th, 2018

So, I've just managed to get over some terrible stomach virus that has been wrecking havoc on my insides since thrusday. I'm dehyrated as all hell, but alive and I'm back with a vengence! (as stated above.)

So basically I wanted to just layout my plans going forward, two weeks on, one week off. Basically I plan to have something ever week except for one week out of three, so basically nothing new this coming monday (June 11) but expect to see something the week after that.

Now I don't promise it will be something amazing or something big just something. Big stuff is on the way but I don't want anyone to think it will be right away this stuff takes time. And I intend to take it, no short cuts no rush.

Also I'm changing my patreon back to monthly with the message that while I plan to do more don't plan on doing any patreon exclusive content, to see may latest work be sure to check out my profile on your favorite site that I post stuff on. My patreon is just more of tip jar than anything else.

But that's not to say you'll get nothing from me, I say if you open your wallet for me I'll atleast let you know more about what I'm doing, working on, access to beta versions of stuff I'm working on. All that noise. Besically I'm letting my patreons really pick my brain.

Along with that I plan to make more frequent updats and blog posts on patreon, expect big news here, but small and big news on patreon, so if you want to know what I'm doing head over to patreon and if you want to see new content well you know where to go.

So consider supporting me on Patreon at:



With that said go ahead and check out the new pics I released this past two weeks, let me know what you think, what you'd like to see and all that jazz.











Posted by JoSilver - May 21st, 2018

So yeah I've been gone for a while. Most of that time I spent mopping and not wanting to face the internet. But I wasn't doing nothing this whole time, I'm cooking up some new stuff. no news to share with you guys but know I got plans. As always.

The reason for this post is just to let yall know what's up with all that time away. Especially with I was so positve that I even made my pateron monthly... and even started one. Well you see friends I thought I could keep up. I was well on track to deliver monthly content to you guys... the problem... It was shit. This is best illustrated with my last upload.


I am frankly amazed I even let this go out in the condition it was in. I did work hard on it but it's bad.

You see I'm the kind of guy who will work on something for months have it be basically finished and scrap the whole goddanm thing. That flash is what happens when I don't do that. If there is a reason I don't like to talk about stuff I'm working on it's because I do this all the goddanm time. Just with the models in the flash, I've literatly been working on them for 3 years! (off and on again obviously). why so long because they were utter shit then, so I saw it as a creative dead end. But something in the back of my head said keeped going, but maybe if I did this, or stopped doing that.

When working on something more often then not I get this feeling that tells me, that looks wrong, fix it, change it and let me tell you, while working on Tales of Luka that feeling was more of a vigorus itch constatly annoying me, that looks bad, her ass looks terrible, you can see where the texture on the grass ends.

But I ignored it because I wanted to have something ready before january.

And now I find myself between a rock and hard place. I've spent some time esentially fixing it. Tweaking the models, fine tuning the shaders, lighting and poses. I am quite pleased with what I have now. Problem is I've already uploaded the goddanm thing, I can't expect people to revist a flash with limited appeal in the first place because I claim it's better now. And reuploading just feels to much like cheating for since it is the same thing just improved art. (The minor differences between A really good night and a really great night still haunt me to this day.) So if I do reupload it do I delete the old one and throw the people who actually favorited it out in the rain.

I'm sure I'll come up with a solution that works best for me and everyone else eventually but in the mean time it's the mess I put myself into by not wanting to take my time to instead fufill a monthly schedual.

If you check out my patreon I've changed it to per creation and haven't posted since. Maybe it's ridculous of me to expect to have full flash content ready each month for you guys and maintain the quality that I hope to keep. or maybe it's ridculous of me to think people wont understand if I don't have something ready every month.

Either way I don't feel comfortable asking people for money if I can't keep up. I'm not shutting down my patreon (not yet anyways) I just don't know what to do with it anymore.


Anyways that's enough babbling for now,


TLDR, Tales of Luka sucked because it was rushed and I refuse to rush anymore because it means sacrficing quality. So no more monthy Pateron or atleast untill I figure out how to make it work.


Let me know how you all feel about my pateron campagin, what should I do, or whether or not I should just stop the whole thing, I never want to have paywalled content of any kind so if I can't even maintain a monthly schedual I don't know how to justify it.


Thanks guys, enjoy the new lewds if thats your thing.





Posted by JoSilver - November 18th, 2017

To start thing off I'd like to present to you my lastest thing-a-who-itz. It was suppose to have release much sooner but things did go quite as planned.


It's got lot's of quality images if you're into that sort of stuff and a few extra goodies mixed in. ENJOY



Next I'd like to Annouce the relaunch of my patreon. WOO! I would also like to make the promise of more frequent updates. For example you expect to see something pretty substanital from me every month. If there is a preview of it on my patreon page that means It's going to come out and soon. I will only preview things that are in the last lap of development and are pretty much complete.


So with all that said I hope you'll consider supporting me on patreon, every little bit helps me out and to boot I have some goodies all lined up for patreon supporters avalible now on patreon.

So if you're ready to be a cool dude, even a dollar is well appreciated.







Posted by JoSilver - June 24th, 2017

Just clearing out some stuff.

Posted by JoSilver - July 8th, 2016

To kick things of I have a new flash up today and I've kinda gone insane with this one.

Dicks From the Green Planet X

It's another gallery flash that I didn't really know what do with for a while. But overall I had alot of fun working on it, All around I haven't really done anything like it, probally won't do anything like it again either. I wanted to do something out there, ENJOY?!

On to other news, I started a Patreon page. To be honest for the longest time now I've been thinking about doing it but didn't know if I should. But I decided it would be mutally benifical, You help support my work and I get to do more without worrying about pesky things like eating this month. With any luck on day I can make this my full time job and just spend all day making non-sense for you guys.

The last thing I wanted to do is launch a Patreon without new content to offer. I hope to be able to provide a more steady stream of content but the truth is it's gonna be hard. At the moment the last thing I can do is deticate all my time to working new stuff though I try. But with your support hopefully I will be able to someday.

So if you're feeling generoius or just wanna give a little thanks go to my Patreon and pleadge whatever you'd like. You'll be my hero.

My Patreon

See you later.

Posted by JoSilver - March 21st, 2016

If you're intrested here's a new gallery flash I just recently uploaded.


If you're on mobile you can see the whole set here: http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=55927294

It's a complete set base on the Kinkykat magazine cover I made for Madness Day. When I made it was really just suppose to be a cover of a magazine. I wanted to create a bunch of madness themed magazine covers, magazines that would appear in the madness world or atleast the idea I've been toying with for sometime now. This was the only one I managed to complete in time so I kinda of threw the other Ideas away because they weren't really that good of ideas (Assuming that the Kinkykat cover was a good Idea). Well a story idea came from it so I'd say it was worth abanoning the others. While working on it I really modeled a rather large envoirment and I wanted to try something new. I've been slowly working on the set since last Madness day, I wasn't really a main focus and I've put it on the back burner too. One thing that was incredibly challenging was simply making the two madness characters look, at least, mildly appealing with out scarificing the design. Eyes are something that I've taken for granted. For a long time I thought everything about it just looked wrong and truth be told I still feel that way.

But I feel I did everything I could make them applealing to human eyes. Personally I think that's a major part of it, how not human or even animal they are. They are things that don't exist or could not exist in our universe and that's something that's really hard to make work I think. Either way I gave it my best and Well I'll leave it to you to see how I did.

This was alot of fun to work on. I always try to do something different and I think this is as different as it comes.


On another note I'd like to work on a full scale Madness Animation using there characters and models and boy is that gonna be a lot of work. No plans yet, I know what I want to do but I suppose at the moment time will tell if I can do it.


PS: Crannapple.

Posted by JoSilver - January 2nd, 2016

First and formost, HAPPY NEW YEARS!

Last year was quite a doozy, and this year is looking to me more of the same for me. Kicking out old tenents, Contruction, School, Computer dying, Medical Problems (Not me but a family member.) To be honest I'm quite stressed out lately, Everyday it seems is some new thing I gotta deal with something first before anything else.  No rythm, no knowing what I'm gonna do that day. It's really been putting a damper on my workflow. Just a few weeks ago were my finals, I got A's alround so I'm happy and with any luck I'll graduate by sometime this year. But all that is last Year and to be honest things are getting better or atleast clearer.

For last few months I've been experimenting with Unreal Engine 4, just experimentation no real plans so far. But I want to do something do upload here but I don't quite know how to deploy a game for HTLM 5 just yet. Other then that no real news so far. I've was hoping to have had something done by now but I've been pretty overwhelmed by other things. But that doesn't mean I'm not actively working on something it's just taking a lot longer then I want it to.

I'm trying out a new system to manage my time and honestly It's been going good so far. I hope to be able to work on a couple of project at once this way and soon as I get time to work more often,

Things have been tough lately for me and I hope you have less things to worry about then me. But I'm not here to mope! Things are looking up lately too. There are so many things I want to do and with any luck I'll get a chance to.

When I have something to share, it's gonna be good and I hope to have at least a slow trickle of content this year. Soon I should have more time to myself.