Not really news this week so I wanted to let you all know what's been going on with me.
As I've stated before work has been very busy, that hasn't changed. But I've been extra busy lately because I've been looking for a new job. Job hunting is a job in itself.
I'm looking for something remote, I'm looking to get my Masters Degree and need a lot of money to do so I need to get a better paying job. Ironically after I get a new job I should have a lot more free time to work on personal projects (Or not we will see) but one thing is for sure, I won't be physically exhausted at the end of the day. I need a number of days to recover from a week of work at my current job. Working on personal project has to take a back seat to my Physical and Mental Health sadly.
None of that is to say I'm working on nothing. Something is in the works at the moment. But lately I really have to force myself to work on it. Next week, my schedual is much lighter so I expect to get plenty done then.
Just wanna keep you guys in the loop. With any luck, updates on projects will start being more frequent again soon.
Thanks for being patient guys. It means a lot to me.
Take your time man. We appreciate you and we'll always be here.