As always, I'm letting you guys know what I've been up to, every two weeks, here on Newgrounds. Be sure to check in to see just what the heck is going on.
I wouldn't categorize the last couple days as in anyway being slow, it's really more of casual. Casually drawing cartoon lewds and what have you. I've had a bit of fun. Been drawing alot of Total Drama stuff. And i've come to a conclusion... The character designs are kind of awful. They make absolutely no geometric sense. They were never really meant to be viewed from angles I'm trying to view them from. To see what I'm taking about here you go.
I almost gave up on the last one but I powered through it.
I also did this little gem.
Largely I've spent the last week or so just doing whatever. Stretching my legs a bit before I jump back on to project honey. I want to take a little bit more time to work on something I really wanna take a quick whack at. Nothing big just something. Something I've been neglecting lately. Sorry to be vague but, it really is... you know vague.
Sorry I don't have much more to say or share with you guys. I'm just playing it by ear right now.
And with that, see y'all again soon,