Man, I can FEEL the epic...ness of these. These are some seriously awesome plans and I cannot wait until they come to fruition. Power to you and all your endeavors! I don't want to bother you about it but, any estimates on when any of these projects might be complete?
Also, that really ticks me off when people steal stuff from Newgrounds, I really hope that that problem is resolved.
I'm glad that Newgrounds is taking better care of protecting each individual's artists rights.
It's great that you are putting soooo much effort in your work. A man's worth is shown by what his actions are and by how he wishes to accomplish them.
Keep at matter how many people act like Jerks.
Believe in your self and the people who support you.
But mostly do it because you love to animate!
Thank you for your inspiring words. I really hope that when all is said and done people will enjoy what I've made.